100 Books in 365 Days

As an avid reader, I always made it a point to carve out time to read books outside of what I was made to read in school. Throughout middle school and high school this was completely feasible and not at all challenging to do.

Then I started college. While I still clung to my love of books, I found myself reading for enjoyment less and less as my work and school schedule became more and more hectic. Then, I received a Kindle for Christmas. While I’ve always been a firm believer in the idea that holding a physical book is much more ideal, the Kindle is amazing. As a commuting student, it’s so much more convenient and I have thousands of books at my fingertips in seconds. However, I still spend a good chunk of time (and money) in bookstores.

At the beginning of 2017, I made it my resolution to read 100 books in 365 days. While this may seem like a small amount, if you factor in work, school, and all the other responsibilities one has, this can actually be a little bit of a challenge. Currently, I am 3/4 of the way through my 7th book and decided to start sharing my opinions on each book. Which brings me to what this blog is about.

Simply put, if you love to read or are just looking for some recommendations, you’re in the right spot. Or if you just want to follow my year long book journey, that’s fine too!

Happy reading and well wishes!

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